Sunday, January 29, 2012

Introduction to Pop Culture

Pop culture refers to the reflection of humans taste and perceptions.  In addition, what people will choose to give importance to. For several years culture is passed down and generated as if it were a hierarchical.  Meaning cultural activities continue to reproduce and exist within individual’s social class. Culture today is led through various mediums and media outlets such as radio, television, film, magazines, newspapers, and music.

Prior to the 1960’s and 1970’s, culture was pertained to certain artistic activities or events.  Anthropologist connects the word culture to social behavior and expression. However, the word culture consists of a mixture of languages, arts, actions, and routines of human activities.  Later in the 19 century, culture was used for more political needs.

According to French socialist Pierre Bourdieu, culture merely distinguishes between social hierarchies[1].  Today cultures consist of a dominant class which holds the power and drive over the lower class. The lower class generally seeks different views from the upper class. In other words, cultures are split up amongst social status.

 People who are in the culture from above are well off in society and generally dominate.  Due to their social class, they have access to more experiences such as operas, arts, and lavish social gatherings.  The culture from above continues to mold and generate their ideas using various media outlets. Thus the media itself is reproducing images and concepts to generate to the mass audience. An example of the influence from the culture above would be the affect large corporations have on people.  Large corporations have the power to persuade a massive audience.  For instance, many people feel the need to keep up with the society by watching the most popular show, listening to the most popular artist, or purchasing the latest technology gadget. The I phone is one of the most talk about technologies.  

The culture from below generally consists of people from the lower class. They may be from the lower class but still can generate the power to lead. The advantage of the culture from below  is it consists of more people.  Although-out history, the generation from below has stirred the direction of the massive. For instance, the music industry alone was led from the culture below.  African American stirred the direction of the blues, jazz, and now day’s hip hop. Music is a big influence on society and can form people’s identification. Music influences attitudes, social behavior, and fashion in culture. 

Pop culture continues to grow and change. Pop culture does affect the everyday life’s of people. This blog will explore how pop culture generates and continues to develop overtime.

[1] Rivkin,Nulie and Michael Rynolds. Hierarchy Theory: Am Anthropologist. Malden:Blackwell,1998.

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