Sunday, February 5, 2012

In the excerpt of Differance, Jacques Derrida argues that culture is determined through a massive culture. Meaning culture draws context by relating ideas to others.  Relations of ideas help build and construct the foundations within systems.  Naturally our system draws our identity by categorizing and observing one another. He further explains how one simple word could have several meanings and therefore words are full of contradictions. He states the only way to define a word is to pull together several words to draw meaning.  Difference can be found by finding the middle ground in which the differences meet.  In other words, identity can’t be created based off one separate thoughts or characteristics. We find our identity by finding the difference in situations. Further explained in Derrida argument is differance is nothing more than a pulling force of opposition.  In a way differance is a contradictory because elements of difference must have some common ground. Surely if all elements never had some type of resemblance of its structure, it would make it impossible to identify meaning.  According to Ferdinand de Saussure, structure is much needed to have the ability to unify things in relation. So in a sense, we learn and build of past events and common understandings off one another.

Similar to Derrida’s view on elements needing a common understanding, Saussure states that language depends upon a community’s understanding.  In Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics, he explains that there is a big difference between language and speaking.  Language is the social part of a given society as for speech is more personal to each individual. Language is issued to put order to things that we perceive. Language helps build upon previous ideas. Language provides order and meaning. Language generates semiology that represents the relationship in a community.  In order to have a Language, the structure must have some general agreement to draw meaning.

Semiology is language’s combination of sign, concepts, and sounds.  Language itself has no preexisting idea.  Language simply didn’t exist before communicating. Language helped further developed communication. However, language may have further developed communication between beings but language still has its’ limitations. For instance, thoughts are limited by choice of words.  Language may set limitations when being translated. The very thought process itself can’t occur without a language. Sounds itself don’t carry meaning.

Saussure continues to discuss the signified and signifier. Meaning language consist of symbols and sign that continue to create ways to communicate.  For instance, whenever we see certain sign we automatically hear the sounds of the word without even speaking of sign. Saussus explains how language consist of two elements the signifier and the signified. The signified is the general concept or image within a given language. However, the signifier is the defined word from a given language.  For instance, imagine you see the Pepsi iconic symbol. People from within that given community could associate that symbol with the name Pepsi but also a refreshing dark soda.  It that iconic image was displayed in 300 years ago it will hold no meaning at all. In all language there is the process in which a language develops in a linear nature. Meaning over time a language adjusts and moves along in a strategic pattern. In a linear Society, a language continues to adjust and adapts through generation to generation.

Similar to language continuing to adapt and continue from one generation to the next, the idealistic view of women as the second sex continues on. In Simone de Beauvoir excerpt, she explains how women are deprived of their humanity and equality amongst men. In her writing she disccused how femininity is displayed with negative correlations. Female are seen amongst societal men as incompetent, weak, and fragile. However, men attributes and attitudes are displayed in a positive way. For instance, man is seen as strong when showing emotions. However, if women were upset it would be that the women are acting too emotional.  Beauvoir further explains how women are constantly being seen as sexual beings to arouse and please men.

I decided to embed a clip to further help explain a Saussure and Beauvoir theory.

Saussure discusses the signified and signifier. Meaning language consist of symbols and sign. For instance, whenever we see certain sign we automatically hear the sound of the word without even speaking the word. Pepsi is iconic symbol that represents the brand and soda itself. In the commercial Pepsi makes a point to display the symbol. On the other hand the commercial supports Beauvoir’s theory. In Beauvoir’s theory she would argue this commercial is depriving women of the equality to the men species.  Britney spears the spokesperson of the ad is sexually exploited and is seen more of a sexual object rather than a human being.  

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